Module generate_docs.dummy_flags

Dummy flags.

This script is used only to make the doc auto-generation script work. Since multiple files in the MOOG library import flags and some of them use the same flag (e.g. --config is used multiple times), an ImportError is raised when pdoc imports the files, which causes pdoc to fail to generate documentation for some files. To work around this, in we temporarily replace imports of absl.flags by imports of this dummy flag file, which mimics the API but does not raise import errors upon duplicate flags.

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"""Dummy flags.

This script is used only to make the doc auto-generation script work. Since
multiple files in the MOOG library import flags and some of them use the same
flag (e.g. `--config` is used multiple times), an ImportError is raised when
pdoc imports the files, which causes pdoc to fail to generate documentation for
some files. To work around this, in we temporarily replace
imports of absl.flags by imports of this dummy flag file, which mimics the API
but does not raise import errors upon duplicate flags.

FLAGS = None
DEFINE_string = lambda x, y, z: None
DEFINE_integer = lambda x, y, z: None
DEFINE_boolean = lambda x, y, z: None


def DEFINE_boolean(x, y, z)
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DEFINE_boolean = lambda x, y, z: None
def DEFINE_integer(x, y, z)
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DEFINE_integer = lambda x, y, z: None
def DEFINE_string(x, y, z)
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DEFINE_string = lambda x, y, z: None