Module mworks.configs.pacman

PacMan-like task.

In this task all objects move in a maze with the same speed. The maze is randomized every trial. The subject controls a green agent. Red ghost agents wander the maze randomly without backtracking. The subject's goal is to collect all yellow pellets in the maze. Ghosts only begin moving once agent moves.

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"""PacMan-like task.

In this task all objects move in a maze with the same speed. The maze is
randomized every trial. The subject controls a green agent. Red ghost agents
wander the maze randomly without backtracking. The subject's goal is to collect
all yellow pellets in the maze. Ghosts only begin moving once agent moves.

import collections
import numpy as np

from moog import action_spaces
from moog import game_rules
from moog import maze_lib
from moog import observers
from moog import physics as physics_lib
from moog import sprite
from moog import tasks

def _get_config(num_ghosts, maze_size):
    """Get environment config."""

    # Sprite initialization

    # Agent
    agent_factors = dict(shape='circle', scale=0.05, c0=0.33, c1=1., c2=0.66)

    # Prey
    prey_factors = dict(shape='circle', scale=0.025, c0=0.2, c1=1., c2=1.)

    # Ghosts
    ghost_factors = dict(
        shape='circle', scale=0.05, mass=np.inf, c0=0., c1=1., c2=0.8)

    def state_initializer():
        maze = maze_lib.generate_random_maze_matrix(
            size=maze_size, ambient_size=12)
        maze = maze_lib.Maze(np.flip(maze, axis=0))
        walls = maze.to_sprites(c0=0., c1=0., c2=0.8)

        # Sample positions in maze grid of agent and ghosts
        n_ghosts = num_ghosts()
        points = maze.sample_distinct_open_points(1 + n_ghosts)
        positions = [maze.grid_side * (0.5 + np.array(x)) for x in points]

        # Agent
        agent_position = positions[0]
        agent = [sprite.Sprite(
            x=agent_position[1], y=agent_position[0], **agent_factors)]

        # ghosts
        ghosts = []
        for i in range(n_ghosts):
            position = positions[i + 1]
                x=position[1], y=position[0], **ghost_factors))

        # Place prey at every open maze location
        prey = []
        open_maze_points = np.argwhere(maze.maze == 0)
        for p in open_maze_points[:5]:
            pos = maze.grid_side * (0.5 + np.array(p))
            prey.append(sprite.Sprite(x=pos[1], y=pos[0], **prey_factors))

        state = collections.OrderedDict([
            ('walls', walls),
            ('prey', prey),
            ('ghosts', ghosts),
            ('agent', agent),
        return state

    # Physics

    maze_physics = physics_lib.MazePhysics(
        avatar_layers=('agent', 'prey', 'ghosts'), constant_speed=0.003,

    physics = physics_lib.Physics(
        (physics_lib.RandomMazeWalk(speed=0.003), ['ghosts']),
        updates_per_env_step=1, corrective_physics=[maze_physics],

    # Task

    ghost_task = tasks.ContactReward(
        -5, layers_0='agent', layers_1='ghosts', reset_steps_after_contact=0)
    prey_task = tasks.ContactReward(1, layers_0='agent', layers_1='prey')
    reset_task = tasks.Reset(
        condition=lambda state: len(state['prey']) == 0,
    task = tasks.CompositeTask(
        ghost_task, prey_task, reset_task, timeout_steps=3000)

    # Action space

    action_space = action_spaces.Grid(
        momentum=0.5,  # Value irrelevant, since maze_physics has constant speed

    # Observer

    observer = observers.PILRenderer(
        image_size=(256, 256),

    # Game rules

    def _unglue(s):
        s.mass = 1.
    def _unglue_condition(state):
        return not np.all(state['agent'][0].velocity == 0)
    unglue = game_rules.ConditionalRule(
        rules=game_rules.ModifySprites(('prey', 'ghosts'), _unglue),

    vanish_on_contact = game_rules.VanishOnContact(
        vanishing_layer='prey', contacting_layer='agent')

    rules = (vanish_on_contact, unglue)

    # Final config

    config = {
        'state_initializer': state_initializer,
        'physics': physics,
        'task': task,
        'action_space': action_space,
        'observers': {'image': observer},
        'game_rules': rules,
    return config

def get_config(level):
    """Get config dictionary of kwargs for environment constructor.
        level: Int. Different values yield different maze sizes and numbers of
    if level == 0:
        return _get_config(
            num_ghosts=lambda: 2,
    elif level == 1:
        return _get_config(
            num_ghosts=lambda: 3,
        raise ValueError('Invalid level {}'.format(level))


def get_config(level)

Get config dictionary of kwargs for environment constructor.


Int. Different values yield different maze sizes and numbers of ghosts.
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def get_config(level):
    """Get config dictionary of kwargs for environment constructor.
        level: Int. Different values yield different maze sizes and numbers of
    if level == 0:
        return _get_config(
            num_ghosts=lambda: 2,
    elif level == 1:
        return _get_config(
            num_ghosts=lambda: 3,
        raise ValueError('Invalid level {}'.format(level))